Saturday, January 18, 2014


I have had my artistic ambition lead me to many different pursuits including photography, graffiti, music, writing, bonsai, painting, etc. It all started from a very young age when I decided to go beyond coloring books and try drawing my own images. It turned out that I had some natural aptitude for drawing. Drawing was always my gateway into art. For that reason I will always feel a strong connection to drawing.

Lately I have been focusing on portraits. It's never been easy for me to choose a subject matter to draw. I am always looking for inspiration.

It wasn't easy drawing Doug but he has a great face for it with lots of complexity in the shadows. I purposely under-rendered the hair. I think a lot of artists over do hair an it has the tendency to look less like hair in some cases. Really, it depends on the image as to how much detail I put into the hair. I always think less is more when it comes to things like that but sometimes that is just not true. Doug's likeness lies in the subtle complexity of his eyes, mouth, and jaw as well as the spatial relationship between them.

Another recent commission if of someone's dog that had died recently. I had never drawn a dog before so this was an interesting challenge. Same as I mentioned about human hair, a dogs fur is easily over-rendered.

I'm never quite sure what to draw when I'm not being commissioned to draw specific things. I'd like to be more stylized with my drawing eventually. I'm not sure what exactly I mean by that.

I do enjoy drawing very much and I believe there is a meditation involved that is good for the soul.

One thing I have always loved is drapery studies. This one I drew from a drawing out of a book. The original drawing is by Leonardo Da Vinci. His is better but I liked this one so much I had to copy it. Copying masters is a great exercise for an artist. I like the way it turned out so I matted and framed it.


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